Learn more about Abigail
Love at first bus ride?! Take a peek
Learn more about Xavier
Abigail was born in Kingston, Jamaica, the first of three siblings.
Her favourite childhood memories are eating mangoes, climbing on the walls and grills and preaching to little critters. As she got older, reading became her favourite hobby and has been ever since.
Her love for reading and CSI Miami and her desire to help people, led her to study Medical Technology as her first degree.
She currently serves in a Family Community Pharmacy ministering to the needs of the sick.
Catch Abigail on her social media.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/avictory2
Instagram: Abe Vic
Xavier was born in San Juan, Trinidad to Eric and Nichole Hall. His favourite childhood memories include playing football, video games and water war with friends, watching mythbusters, national geographic channel and the TV series House M.D.
Very early on his father Eric kindled his love for mathematics and reasoning and his mother Nichole instilled good values in him: both were always a very encouraging force in his life. Music, food and mathematics, became an important part of growing up and has remained favourites of his ever since. High school in Jamaica deepened his love for music as learning to play the guitar, drums and singing were explored. His love of knowledge and fascination with how things work led him to pursue a career in Mechanical Engineering, a field in which he still works today. A lover of all things cultural, a musical mind, an inventor by calling. Catch Xavier on his Social Media Instagram: king_xev Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xavier.hall.315/
Story Time...LOL
I missed my regular JUTC 24EX bus coming from work on a Friday evening. Not wanting Sabbath to catch me on the road, I decided to take a coaster to Halfway Tree (I hate coasters and hate HalfWay Tree even more).
Hopped on the bus, very upset that I had to survive the horrors of a packed coaster life with blaring music and a probable chance of the 'ductor and somebody "ketch up".
A young man sat in the seat next to me. I didnt turn to see who it was as I didnt want to be in any 'long talking' with these random people that pick on women in coasters. Haha.
Lo and behold, the young man said "Ahm, sorry to disturb you but would you happen to have change for $5000?"
I had just drawn money from an atm so I was very suspicious that this young man just happened to ask ME for change. Suspiciously, I said, " How you know I would have change?"
"Just asking"
I gave him one look and changed the money. Taking the $5000, I waved it in the air in an attempt to see if it was real. I thought he was going to have a heart attack. "What you doing?" He said ,shocked.
"Me a check if it real"
Then I looked at him and saw that it was the same guy that used to take the JUTC 24EX every morning to work at the same time as I did.
And funny story, ...........................I lowkey stalked him. Haha
Long story short, a passenger and the 'ductor did "ketch up", the 'ductor run down one man with a cutlass fi chop him and even worse the bus stop 1 mile away from halfway tree so everybody had to get out and walk the rest of the way to the town.
Luckily, none of it seemed as bad since I had just been introduced to Mr. Knight in Hard Boots. looooll
There I was in the heart of Spanish town lost among the throng of bustling commuters without my usual method of transport on the worst possible day -Friday. I just wanted to go home but the police were running roughshod on the illegal Spanish town to halfway tree route taxis that Eeeeveryone takes to avoid the coasters and slow JUTC buses, and the one JUTC bus that I did take was gone. I had missed my special 24Ex bus that would have taken me right where I needed to be anyway, so with dampened mood I gave in and decided to take the dreaded coaster. The last time I took it we were inhumanely packed like sardines and when the time came to come off, lo and behold it was not our destination. The wicked driver stopped early and did a turn around to let us off and pick up a large group of people on the other side of the road going back to Spanish town - kmt. "Never again will I take a coaster" I said but waiting for a JUTC bus again would be worse. I went in the first coaster I saw and there she was beside the only seat available. I actually didn't have any lines in my head as I usually did to approach a woman and wasn't even in the mood. I just wanted to go home. So i reluctantly sat down and quickly realizing I didn't have change to give to the bus conductor, I mustered up the motivation and courage needed and put something together in my mind to say to this young lady who was probably my only hope to get said change without embarrassing or endangering myself. She changed my $5000 note and saved my life from what would have ensued when the time came to pay the bus conductor. Eventually I got up to give a pregnant lady my seat and thought " oh well so long nice lady, thank you for having change, I'm too tired to try anything with you but thats fine". Then the time came to come off the bus and the craaaaaziest thing happened while I was walking! The conductor ran down a man with his cutlass! At breakneck speed he did run, with his cutlass ran he! Abigail and I were taken aback and there was a very intense urge to speak to my Abi and calm her down (and myself down a little lol) and we talked and talked and the rest is history! I thank God for what he ordained that day, everyday I realize his hand was in our meeting, for such a time as this!
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